Date for review: 06 June 2024
This policy is in place to ensure all ICYE colleagues have fair and equitable access to leave and other benefits. The content of the policy is in accordance with the following, current legislation:
- Equality Act 2010, which outlaws discrimination against employees because of the protected characteristics of pregnancy and maternity status, during the defined “protected period;”
- Employment Rights Act 1996, which sets out rights and protections in relation to health and safety, time off for ante-natal care, relevant periods of leave, and unfair dismissal;
- Maternity and Parental Leave etc. Regulations 1999 and Paternity and Adoption Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2008, which set out entitlements to applicable periods of leave and the notification requirements;
- European law including Pregnant Workers’ Directive and the recast Equal Treatment Directive, which provide pregnant women or women on maternity leave with protected status.
General Provisions
Health & Safety
ICYE has a legal responsibility and a moral duty to protect the health safety of all colleagues. Where potential risks to the health and safety of an employee (including but not exclusive to pregnancy) arise, ICYE will carry out a risk assessment and implement any necessary changes.
Flexible Working
Requests to return to work following maternity, paternity, parental or adoption (MPPA) leave with reduced hours or on a job-share or flexible basis will be considered in line with business or operational needs. While this is not a legal right, ICYE UK will give sympathetic consideration to such requests from members of staff. Requests should be made as early as possible and will be considered on a case by case basis, depending on the practicality for the individual and the operational needs of ICYE UK.
Protection from dismissal and unfair treatment
Employees wishing to take MPPA leave are protected from any discrimination on the grounds of wishing to take leave.
Terms and conditions
- The employee will continue to accrue annual leave, and ICYE shall make the same contributions to their pension as if they were in normal employment.
- All terms and conditions of work shall continue to apply except those covered by this policy in relation to pay.
- No action may be taken against any employee on the grounds of any leave arrangements covered by this policy.
- If a redundancy situation arises during a period of leave covered by this policy, the employee on leave must be treated the same as any other employee under the circumstances.
Fertility Treatment
- Employees undergoing IVF or other fertility treatment may negotiate the necessary time off with their manager for appointments and procedures. This may be annual leave or unpaid leave.
- Paid special leave will not apply in these circumstances.
Antenatal Care
- Pregnant individuals who have made an appointment to receive antenatal care on the advice of a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health visitor, have the right to take time off with pay to attend the appointment.
- Antenatal care is not restricted to medical examination and may include, for example, relaxation classes, parent craft classes, etc.
Qualification Requirements
- The employee must advise ICYE UK of the pregnancy and be able to show upon request, a certificate from a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health visitor confirming pregnancy. This requirement is waived in the case of the first appointment.
- The employee must be able to show their manager upon request, documentary evidence of an appointment being made.
- Each appointment must have been recommended by a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered health visitor.
Notification Procedure
- Where possible, employees are encouraged to make appointments at the beginning or at the end of the working day. Employees should give ICYE UK as much advance notice of the appointment as possible.
- No pay will be deducted for authorised antenatal care.
Maternity Leave
The Law
- Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) – regardless of length of service or number of hours worked in a week, all employees are entitled to take 26 weeks of paid leave.
- Compulsory Maternity Leave (CML) – employees may not work during the period of 2 weeks after giving birth. This is part of the ordinary maternity leave period, not additional to it. If a baby is born before the planned period of OML, then OML will begin on the date of the birth.
- Additional Maternity Leave (AML) – regardless of length of service or number of hours worked in a week, all employees are entitled to take 26 weeks of leave. There may be no gap between OML and AML.
- The earliest date that maternity leave can commence is the beginning of the eleventh week before the baby is expected.
- The latest date that maternity leave can commence is the day that follows the day of the baby’s birth.
- If childbirth occurs before OML was due to start, OML begins automatically on the day that follows this date.
- If the employee is absent from work for a pregnancy-related reason in the period of 4 weeks before the expected date of childbirth, OML will automatically begin on this date. This does not include absence due to antenatal care or non-pregnancy-related illness.
Notification Procedure
- Employees should notify ICYE UK as soon as possible upon becoming aware they may be pregnant. This is to ensure that ICYE UK can assess any health and safety risks to the employee and unborn child. If any risk is identified, ICYE UK will notify the employee immediately and work together to make arrangements to eliminate that risk or mitigate the impact as much as practicably possible. Furthermore, an employee may request a risk assessment to be undertaken by ICYE UK management.
- Employees must notify ICYE UK in writing, no later than the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth.
- The notification should include:
- A statement that the employee is pregnant; and
- The expected date of the child’s birth in the form of a medical certificate (form MATB1); and
- The date on which the employee intends to commence maternity leave and for SMP to begin.
- ICYE UK must respond to this notification within 28 days and state the date by which the employee is expected to have returned to work after finishing the full maternity leave entitlement – usually the end of AML unless they chooses to return at an earlier date.
- An employee may change the date of the commencement of their maternity leave, however, is required to give ICYE UK at least 28 days’ notice or in the event of this not being practical, as soon as is reasonably possible.
- Failure to give any notice to ICYE UK of the intention to take OML may result in the employee losing their right to maternity leave and pay.
- The employee must notify ICYE UK of the actual birth date of the child.
Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days
- An employee may reasonably be contacted by colleagues or ICYE UK during OML or AML in order that they are kept up to date with relevant changes in the workplace. Such communication must be kept at a level with which both ICYE UK and the employee find acceptable.
- Where both the employer and employee agree, the employee may attend up to ten days of work during maternity leave without losing entitlement to maternity leave or pay. These are known as ‘Keeping in Touch’ days (KIT).
- KIT days may be useful, for example, to prepare the employee on leave for a return to work or to enable the employee to attend a relevant training course.
- There is no obligation for ICYE UK to offer KIT days or for an employee to accept them.
- KIT days will be paid at an agreed rate. If the employee is receiving maternity pay, the amount of maternity pay for that week can count towards the pay for the KIT day.
- KIT days may not be taken during the CML period which is the period of two weeks following the birth of the child.
Returning to Work
- Employees returning after OML will be able to return to their previous role on identical conditions.
- Employees returning after AML will be able to return to their previous role in all cases where this is reasonably practicable for ICYE. Where this is not reasonably practicable ICYE will contact the employee, who will have the right to be found suitable alternative employment on terms and conditions that are no worse than those of their previous position.
- In the event of a redundancy situation arising, the employee must be offered a suitable alternative vacancy, if it exists. In any case, the employee on maternity leave will be consulted in the same way as any other ICYE UK staff and will not be discriminated against due to reasons related to the pregnancy or being on maternity leave.
- At the agreed end date of an employee’s maternity leave (OML and/or AML), the employee will be expected to return to work. Notice of return to work need not be given.
- An employee may return to work before the end of agreed maternity leave period however, an employee may not return to work during the CML period (2 weeks after the birth of a child).
- If the employee wishes to return to work at a date prior to an agreed end of the maternity leave period, they are required to give ICYE UK 8 weeks’ notice. Failure to do this may result in ICYE UK delaying the employee’s to return to work until 8 weeks’ notice has been given. This is to enable ICYE UK to make arrangements for the employee’s return.
- Return to work may not be delayed until a date later than the employee’s full maternity entitlement (52 weeks if the employee elects to take AML). The only exception is if the employee wishes to take annual leave immediately following the end of the maternity entitlement, and this is approved in the normal manner. If at the end of the agreed period of maternity leave the employee is unable to return to work due to sickness, this will be dealt with in accordance with the ICYE UK Sickness Policy.
- On return to work, the employee will have their salary amended if necessary, to take into account any salary increase to which they would have been entitled to during the period of maternity leave.
- If the employee chooses to resign, they will lose their entitlement to the full ICYE maternity pay; but may still qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay. The employee should give ICYE UK at least 28 days’ notice prior to the first expected payment of SMP.
Accrual of annual leave and sick pay
- Annual leave continues to accrue during OML and AML as does any entitlement to sick pay in accordance with the ICYE UK sickness policy.
- Annual leave may not be taken during OML or AML. However, it is permissible to take annual leave immediately before OML or after AML.
- Sickness pay will not be paid during OML or AML, but it continues to accrue as it would if the employee was not on maternity leave.
- At the time of writing ICYE did not have a pension scheme. Were ICYE to put in place a pension scheme for employees then ICYE would continue to make all pension contributions at their normal rate during the period of Maternity Pay.
- Entitlement to Maternity Pay is dependent on length of service and earnings. The qualifications conditions for are as follows:
- The employee has worked for ICYE UK for a minimum of 26 weeks continuously prior to the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth.
- The employee’s weekly earnings in the eight weeks up to and including the qualifying week as at or above the lower earnings limit for the payment of National Insurance contributions.
- Employees who do meet the above conditions may qualify for state maternity allowance (MA).
- Maternity pay is payable for 39 weeks (nine months).
- ICYE will pay Maternity Pay as follows:
- For the first 6 weeks the employee will be paid 100% of their usual weekly earnings per week.
- For the remainder of the Maternity Pay period, the employee will be paid a weekly rate equivalent to 50% of their earnings.
- The timing of the payments can be amended at the discretion of the employee. It is entirely possible for e.g. an employee to be paid at 90% of their usual weekly earnings for the first 6 weeks, and then be paid slightly more later on in the Maternity Pay Period.
- Maternity Pay is subject to the usual deductions of tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
- Maternity Pay commences on the Sunday following the week of childbirth and will be paid at the usual time that the employee would receive their monthly salary.
- There is an expectation that employees receiving ICYE maternity pay will return to employment for at least 6 months following the end of their maternity leave. In the event that an employee is unable to make this commitment ICYE will pay only the Statutory Maternity Pay (90% of earnings for the first 6 weeks, and nationally set SMP thereafter).
- ICYE reserves the right to request repayment of the ICYE contribution towards maternity pay, in the event of the employee leaving employment with ICYE UK before the end of the 6-month period following their return from maternity leave.
Paternity Leave
The Law
- Ordinary Paternity Leave (OPL) – the maximum duration of OPL is 2 weeks and must be taken within 56 days of birth (or date of placement in cases of adoption).
- OPL must be taken as one block and cannot be split into two or more periods.
- Additional Paternity Leave (APL) – can take place in the period between 20-52 weeks after a child’s birth (or the date the child starts living with the adopter in the case of adoption).
- APL can be a maximum of 26 weeks and a minimum of 2 weeks, to be taken as one continuous period.
Qualification Requirements
- An employee is eligible for OPL if:
- They expect to have main responsibility for the upbringing of the child instead of, after, or with the mother; and
- Is the biological father of the child and / or partner of the mother; or
- Has legally adopted the child or is the partner of the person who has legally adopted the child;
- Is not taking statutory adoption leave and pay (in cases of adoption).
- An employee is eligible for APL if the following criteria are met in addition to the above:
- They have at least 26 weeks continuous employment before the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth (or week matched for adoption);
- Continue to work for ICYE at the time their APL is due to begin;
- They are taking time off to care for the child;
- The mother must be entitled to receive SML or SMP (or for adoption) but have returned to work.
- The employee must sign and make available to ICYE a declaration to the effect that the purpose of the leave is to either care for the child or support the mother. Paternity leave is not permissible for any other purpose.
- The employee must have 26 weeks continuous service with ICYE at the 15th week before the expected week or childbirth, or the week of being matched for adoption.
Notification Procedure
- Employees must notify ICYE UK in writing, no later than the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth.
- The notification should include:
- The expected date of the child’s birth; and
- The date on which the employee intends to commence paternity leave; and
- The length of paternity leave they wish to take.
- For APL, employees must notify ICYE UK in writing, at least 8 weeks before the start of the leave. The notification should include:
- A completed SC7 form (SC8 in the case of adoption);
- ICYE UK may request additional information to verify the leave, at their discretion.
- In the case of paternity following adoption, ICYE must be advised no more than 7 days after the adopter is notified that they have been matched with a child. The notification should include:
- The date the adopter was matched with a child; and
- The date the child is expected to be placed with the adopter; and
- The date on which the employee intends to commence paternity leave; and
- The length of paternity leave they wish to take.
- ICYE UK must respond to this notification within 28 days and state the date by which the employee is expected to have returned to work.
- An employee may change the date of the commencement of their paternity leave, however, is required to give at ICYE UK at least 28 days’ notice or in the event of this not being practical, as soon as is reasonably possible.
- Failure to give any notice to ICYE UK of the intention to take OPL may result in the employee losing their right to maternity leave and pay.
- The employee must notify ICYE UK of the actual birth date of the child.
Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days
- An employee may reasonably be contacted by colleagues or ICYE UK during AML in order that they are kept up to date with relevant changes in the workplace. Such communication must be kept at a level with which both ICYE UK and the employee find acceptable.
- Where both the employer and employee agree, the employee may attend up to five days of work during paternity leave without losing entitlement to paternity leave or pay. These are known as ‘Keeping in Touch’ days (KIT).
- KIT days may be useful, for example, to prepare the employee on leave for a return to work or to enable the employee to attend a relevant training course.
- There is no obligation for ICYE UK to offer KIT days or for an employee to accept them.
- KIT days will be paid at an agreed rate. If the employee is receiving paternity pay, the amount of paternity pay for that week can count towards the pay for the KIT day.
KIT days may not be taken during the CML period which is the period of two weeks following the birth of the child.
Returning to Work
Employees returning after OML will be able to return to their previous role on identical conditions.- Employees returning after APL will be able to return to their previous role in all cases where this is reasonably practicable for ICYE. Where this is not reasonably practicable ICYE will contact the employee, who will have the right to be found suitable alternative employment on terms and conditions that are no worse than those of their previous position.
- In the event of a redundancy situation arising, the employee must be offered a suitable alternative vacancy, if it exists. In any case, the employee on maternity leave will be consulted in the same way as any other ICYE UK staff and will not be discriminated against due to reasons related to the pregnancy or being on maternity leave.
- At the agreed end date of an employee’s paternity leave (OPL and/or APL), the employee will be expected to return to work. Notice of return to work need not be given.
- If the employee wishes to return to work at a date prior to agreed end of the paternity leave period, they are required to give ICYE UK 8 weeks’ notice. Failure to do this may result in ICYE UK delaying the employee’s to return to work until 8 weeks’ notice has been given. This is to enable ICYE UK to make arrangements for the employee’s return.
- Return to work may not be delayed until a date later than the employee’s full paternity entitlement. The only exception is if the employee wishes to take annual leave immediately following the end of the paternity entitlement, and this is approved in the normal manner. If at the end of the agreed period of paternity leave the employee is unable to return to work due to sickness, this will be dealt with in accordance with the ICYE UK Sickness Policy.
- On return to work, the employee will have their salary amended if necessary, to take into account any salary increase to which they would have been entitled to during the period of paternity leave.
- If the employee chooses to resign, they will lose their entitlement to the full ICYE paternity pay
. but may still qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay. The employee should give ICYE UK at least 28 days’ notice prior to the first expected payment of SMP.
Accrual of annual leave and sick pay
- Annual leave continues to accrue during OPL and APL as does any entitlement to sick pay in accordance with the ICYE UK sickness policy.
- Annual leave may not be taken during OPL or APL. However, it is permissible to take annual leave immediately before OPL or after APL.
- Sickness pay will not be paid during OPL or APL, but it continues to accrue as it would if the employee was not on maternity leave.
- At the time of writing ICYE did not have a pension scheme. Were ICYE to put in place a pension scheme for employees then ICYE would continue to make all pension contributions at their normal rate during the period of Maternity Pay.
- Entitlement to Paternity Pay is dependent on length of service and earnings. The qualifications conditions for are as follows:
- The employee has worked for ICYE UK for a minimum of 26 weeks continuously prior to the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth;
- The employee’s weekly earnings in the eight weeks up to and including the qualifying week as at or above the lower earnings limit for the payment of National Insurance contributions;
- Employees who do meet the above conditions may qualify for Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP);
- Employees must also qualify for OPL; and
- Have provided ICYE with a completed SC3 (SC4 in the case of adoption) at least 28 days before they wish their SPP to start.
Paternity pay is payable for 39 weeks (nine months).
- ICYE will pay staff on OPL at 100% of the employee’s usual salary.
- ICYE will pay staff on APL as for Maternity Pay:
For the first 6 weeks the employee will be paid 100% of their usual weekly earnings per week.- Following OPL, remaining APL will be paid a weekly rate equivalent to 50% of their earnings.
- The timing of the payments can be amended at the discretion of the employee. It is entirely possible for e.g. an employee to be paid at 90% of their usual weekly earnings for the first 6 weeks, and then be paid slightly more later on in the Paternity Pay Period.
- Paternity Pay is subject to the usual deductions of tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
- Paternity Pay commences on the Sunday following the week of childbirth and will be paid at the usual time that the employee would receive their monthly salary.
- There is an expectation that employees receiving ICYE paternity pay will return to employment for at least 6 months following the end of their paternity leave. In the event that an employee is unable to make this commitment ICYE will pay only the Statutory Paternity Pay (90% of earnings or nationally set SPP, whichever is lower).
- ICYE reserves the right to request repayment of the ICYE contribution towards paternity pay, in the event of the employee leaving employment with ICYE UK before the end of the 6-month period following their return from paternity leave.
Parental Leave
- Parental Leave is up to 13 weeks unpaid leave per child, to be taken in blocks of at least one week, with no more than 4 weeks per child in any one year.
- A week’s leave is equivalent to the amount of time that person would work in an average working week. Where an employee has more than one child they are entitled to more parental leave (e.g. 2 children 26 weeks, 3 children 39).
Qualification Requirements
- An employee is eligible for Parental Leave if:
- They have at least one year’s continuous service; and
- They have:
- A child who is under the age of 5; or
- A disabled child who is under the age of 18; or
- A child who was adopted within the past 5 years and is under the age of 18.
- ICYE reserves the right to ask for evidence of entitlement and, in particular, to conduct checks regarding the amount of parental leave which was taken in previous employments.
Notification Procedure
- Employees must notify ICYE UK in writing, with at least 21 days advance notice.
- The notification should include the requested dates of parental leave.
- ICYE will seek to honour al requests made for parental leave but reserve the right to postpone parental leave for up to 6 months in cases where granting the leave might cause significant disruption to the business. It is not anticipated that this will happen in many cases.
- ICYE will honour all requests for parental leave where that leave is taken immediately following the birth or adoption of a child.
Terms & Conditions
- During periods of Parental Leave, ICYE will continue to abide by all contractual obligations relating to:
- Notice periods;
- Compensation payments if the employee is made redundant;
- Business disciplinary and grievance procedures.
- During periods of Parental Leave, the employee continues to be bound by all contractual obligations relating to:
- Notice periods;
- Disclosure of confidential information;
- Acceptance of gifts or other benefits;
- Working for another employer.
Returning to Work
- Employees returning after Parental Leave will be able to return to their previous role if the leave is of 4 weeks duration or less.
- This includes any Parental Leave taken at the end of Adoption Leave.
- If the period of Parental Leave taken is longer than 4 weeks or follows a period of Additional Adoption Leave, the employee is entitled to return to the same post only if reasonably practicable.
- Where this is not reasonably practicable ICYE will contact the employee, who will have the right to be found suitable alternative employment on terms and conditions that are no worse than those of their previous position.
- On return to work, the employee will have their salary amended if necessary, to take into account any salary increase to which they would have been entitled to during the period of Parental Leave.
Accrual of annual leave
- Annual leave continues to accrue during Parental Leave as usual, but all other benefits can be decided on a case by case basis by ICYE.
- Employees are advised to review the ICYE Special Leave Policy; staff taking Parental Leave may be able to claim pay from ICYE under this policy.
Adoption Leave
- Statutory Adoption Leave (SAL) – amounts to 52 weeks made up of Ordinary Adoption Leave (first 26-week period) and Additional Adoption Leave (second 26-week period).
- SAL shall begin either:
- On the date the child is placed with the employee for adoption; or
- An agreed date no more than 2 weeks before the expected date of placement, and no later than the date of placement.
Qualification Requirements
- An employee qualifies for 52 weeks of SAL if:
- They have been matched with a child by a UK adoption agency and have notified the agency that the child should be placed with them; and
- They have been employed by ICYE for at least 26 weeks, up to the week where they are matched with a child; and
- They have notified ICYE, not more than 7 days after they have been matched with the child.
- When a couple are adopting jointly, they shall decide who is taking SAL and who is take Statutory Paternity Leave; an employee may only take SAL if their partner has opted not to take it, regardless of gender.
Notification Procedure
- Employees must notify ICYE UK in writing, no more than 7 days after they were matched with a chid. ICYE will inform the employee of the end date of their SAL within 28 days of notification (this will normally be 52 weeks after the start of SAL).
- The notification should include:
- The employee’s intention to take SAL; and
- The date they were matched with the child; and
- The date the child is expected to be placed with the adopter; and
- The date on which the employee intends to commence SAL.
- An employee may change the date of the commencement of SAL, so long as 28 days notice is given (before the earlier of the original and new start SAL dates.
- An employee may choose to take less than 52 weeks of SAL provided that ICYE is notified.
Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days
- KIT Days for SAL will align to the arrangements applied to Statutory Maternity Leave outlined above.
Returning to Work
- Employees returning after Ordinary Adoption Leave (OAL) will be able to return to their previous role with the same terms and conditions in place.
- Where an employee returns after Additional Adoption Leave (AAL) they are entitled to return to the same role if this is reasonably practicable for ICYE. Where this is not reasonably practicable ICYE will contact the employee, who will have the right to be found suitable alternative employment on terms and conditions that are no worse than those of their previous position.
- In the event of a redundancy situation arising, the employee must be offered a suitable alternative vacancy, if it exists. In any case, the employee on leave will be consulted in the same way as any other ICYE UK staff and will not be discriminated against due to reasons related to the leave.
- At the agreed end date of an employee’s adoption leave (OAL and/or AAL), the employee will be expected to return to work. Notice of return to work need not be given.
- If the employee wishes to return to work at a date prior to agreed end of the adoption leave period, they are required to give ICYE UK 8 weeks’ notice before their new return date. Failure to do this may result in ICYE UK delaying the employee’s return to work until 8 weeks’ notice has been given. This is to enable ICYE UK to make arrangements for the employee’s return.
- Return to work may not be delayed until a date later than the employee’s full adoption entitlement. The only exception is if the employee wishes to take annual leave immediately following the end of the paternity entitlement, and this is approved in the normal manner. If at the end of the agreed period of leave the employee is unable to return to work due to sickness, this will be dealt with in accordance with the ICYE UK Sickness Policy.
- On return to work, the employee will have their salary amended if necessary, to take into account any salary increase to which they would have been entitled to during the period of leave.
Accrual of annual leave and sick pay
- Annual leave continues to accrue during OAL and AAL as does any entitlement to sick pay in accordance with the ICYE UK sickness policy.
- Annual leave may not be taken during OAL or AAL. However, it is permissible to take annual leave immediately before OAL or after AAL.
- Sickness pay will not be paid during OAL or AAL, but it continues to accrue as it would if the employee was not on maternity leave.
- At the time of writing ICYE did not have a pension scheme. Were ICYE to put in place a pension scheme for employees then ICYE would continue to make all pension contributions at their normal rate during the period of Adoption Pay.
- Entitlement to Adoption Pay is dependent on length of service and earnings. The qualifications conditions for are as follows:
- The employee has worked for ICYE UK for a minimum of 26 weeks continuously prior to the 15th week before the child is placed with them for adoption;
- The employee’s weekly earnings in the eight weeks up to and including the qualifying week are at or above the lower earnings limit for the payment of National Insurance contributions;
- Adoption Pay is payable for 39 weeks (9 months).
- ICYE will pay staff on Adoption Pay as follows:
- For the first 6 weeks the employee will be paid 100% of their usual weekly earnings per week.
- For the remainder of the Adoption Pay period, the employee will be paid a weekly rate equivalent to 50% of their earnings.
- The timing of the payments can be amended at the discretion of the employee. It is entirely possible for e.g. an employee to be paid at 90% of their usual weekly earnings for the first 6 weeks, and then be paid slightly more later on in the Adoption Pay period.
- Adoption Pay is subject to the usual deductions of tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
- There is an expectation that employees receiving ICYE Adoption Pay will return to employment for at least 6 months following the end of their Adoption Leave. In the event that an employee is unable to make this commitment ICYE will pay only the Statutory Adoption Pay (90% of earnings for the first 6 weeks and nationally set SMP thereafter).
- ICYE reserves the right to request repayment of the ICYE contribution towards adoption pay, in the event of the employee leaving employment with ICYE UK before the end of the 6-month period following their return from adoption leave.
Adoption of a child from a foreign country
- ICYE will meet all its legal obligations should an employee wish to adopt a child from a foreign country.
- Employees wishing to do this should consult their manager as soon as is practicable and the trustees be alerted as soon as the manager is aware.
Death of a Partner
- In the event of the death of a partner special provisions shall apply.
- Additional leave may be taken immediately following the death of the partner, but before the 52nd week after expected week of childbirth (or matching for adoption).