ICYE UK-Global Code of Conduct

1. Introduction 

Employees, trustees and those volunteering directly with ICYE (rather than those on volunteer placements for whom there is a separate code of conduct) play an important role in ensuring ICYE-UK remains true to its values, respected and credible. This Code sets out the standards and expectations of employees, trustees and volunteers in terms of professional ethics, integrity, acting as a representative and safeguarding, which support our vision, mission and values. This Code of Conduct overarches all of ICYE-UK’s policies and procedures which guide conduct and behaviour. 

This Code of Conduct applies to employees, trustees, volunteers, consultants and agency workers. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and ICYE-UK policies, may result in action under ICYE-UK’s disciplinary procedure for employees or a volunteer status review or removal of a trustee from the ICYE Board. 

2. Mission, Vision and Values 

ICYE-UK’s vision is: 

A world where the sharing of cultures and ideas is embraced, celebrated and lived. 

ICYE-UK’s mission is: 

At ICYE-UK, we work in partnership with an international network of locally managed ICYE organisations and partners to: 

Provide supported international volunteer opportunities that directly benefit local communities 

Encourage young people from around the world to live, learn and work together 

Engage volunteers in the on-going development of the organisation 

ICYE-UK’s values are: 


We care about the volunteers, partners and communities we work with and take steps to ensure our influence is a positive one. 

Valuing People 

People are at the heart of our organisation; we help develop their skills and experiences, respect their opinions and seek their active input to improve our organisation. 

Working in Partnership 

We are stronger by working with a range of local and international partners and benefit from cultural their expertise and assistance 

Being Supportive 

We’re passionate about each one of our volunteers and partners and invest time and resources to ensure they have the best possible experience. 

3. Professional ethics and integrity 

It is expected that ICYE-UK employees, trustees and volunteers will: 

• Establish, maintain and develop relationships based on trust and respect. 

• Exhibit and defend professional and personal integrity and honesty at all times. 

• Demonstrate sensitivity for the customs, practices, culture and personal beliefs of others. 

Promote and adhere to ICYE-UK policies and practices that promote equality of opportunity, diversity and social inclusion and support human rights and dignity. 

• Comply with ICYE-UK’s data protection and confidentiality requirements. Any breach is considered a disciplinary offence and appropriate action will be taken. 

• Support and challenge others if they suspect unlawful or unethical conduct or behaviour. 

• Promptly report any concerns about bribery or corruption. 

• Promptly report security or safety concerns. 

• Dress appropriately at all times both within the workplace and when representing the organisation. 

3.1 Acting as a representative of ICYE-UK 

It is expected that ICYE-UK employees, trustees and volunteers will: 

• Always act in a way which supports and upholds the reputation of ICYE-UK and behave as a 

role models to others. 

• Be mindful of their responsibilities as professional people towards the wider community. 

• Comply with prevailing laws and not encourage, assist or collude with others who may be engaged in unlawful conduct. 

• When involved in local political, religious, or community leadership activities, commit to ensure that ICYE-UK’s mission and objectives in the country are not compromised. 

• Display a neutral, non-partisan attitude and approach towards political matters during their work for ICYE-UK.

• Employees must ensure they hold the correct visa and right to work in country in compliance with country law. 

4. Safeguarding 

It is expected that ICYE-UK employees, trustees and volunteers will abide by ICYE-UK’s Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy including: 

• Not to harm, children, young people, vulnerable adults or anyone they come into contact with during the course of their engagement with ICYE-UK, through action or omission. 

• Not to expose others to the risk of discrimination, neglect, harm or abuse. 

• Not purchase, or coerce, sex acts. 

• Work in accordance with health, safety and security guidelines and avoid behaviour that creates unnecessary risk to themselves or others. 

It is expected that ICYE-UK employees and volunteers will: 


Read, understand and adhere to ICYE-UK’s Safeguarding Policy and ICYE-UK’s Global Code of Conduct. 

• Strive to promote a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse in all working environments. 

• Strive to develop relationships with all stakeholders which are based on equality, trust, respect and honesty. 

• Place the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable people above all other considerations. 

Report any concerns they may have about the welfare of a child or vulnerable person. 

• Report any concerns they may have about the behaviour of a ICYE-UK representative in relation to safeguarding. 

It is expected that ICYE-UK employees, trustees and volunteers will not: 

• Sexually harass, assault or abuse another person. 

• • Physically harass, assault or abuse another person. 

• Emotionally abuse another person, such as engaging in behaviour intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade. 

• Condone, or participate in behaviour which is abusive, discriminatory, illegal, or unsafe. 

• Develop, encourage or fail to take action of relationships with children or other vulnerable Exchange people which could in any way be deemed sexual, exploitative or abusive. 

• Act in ways that may be violent, inappropriate or sexually provocative. 

• Agree with a vulnerable adult to keep a secret which has implications for their safety or the safety of other young people. 

5. Conflict of interest In the course of their work 

It is essential that employees, trustees and volunteers avoid any suggestion of bias or favouritism in any of their dealings with partners, primary actors, service providers, suppliers, or other employees, volunteers and stakeholders. Any potential conflicts (direct or indirect) must be declared in line with the Criminal Practices Policy. Conflicts could include, but are not limited to: 

• Interests of immediate relatives and extended relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

Any work, paid or unpaid, outside ICYE-UK which conflicts with their role within ICYE. 

• Being a member of an elected body. 

Shareholdings (if this could have an influence on the decision making of a company). 

• Relationships with service providers and suppliers, other employees or candidates for employment with ICYE-UK. 

Offers of Gifts, inducements and hospitality 

Any money, gift or favour received by an employee, trustee or volunteer from a person or organisation holding or seeking to obtain a contract from ICYE-UK will be deemed by ICYE-UK to have been received corruptly unless the employee or volunteer proves the contrary. ICYE-UK expects all staff and volunteers to abide by the Global Criminal Practices policy, and where necessary to abide by local legislation to ensure transparency and ethical practice. Any breach of this policy will be treated as a serious disciplinary matter and/or a criminal offence. 

Relationship conflicts 

Where a personal relationship exists, has existed or develops between employees, trustees or volunteers where one party has a management or supervisory responsibility over the other, the existence or former existence of the relationship should be disclosed to the relevant senior manager. Managers who have, or have had, a personal relationship with an employee or volunteer should not be involved in any recruitment, selection, performance review, promotion or other processes which could be perceived to give unfair advantage or disadvantage to the other person with whom they have or have had such a relationship. It is the responsibility of employees and volunteers involved in recruitment and selection to declare any relationship. 

6. Duty to report 

Report immediately any breaches of this Code to a line manager through the established reporting mechanisms. 

• All suspected breaches of the Code will be investigated in line with the appropriate policy. Where it is found that there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct there will be a disciplinary or status review process.