February On-Arrival and Mid-Term Evaluation camp

This February we hosted our On-Arrival and Mid-Term Evaluation camp, welcoming 15 of our new volunteers from Colombia, Germany, Ecuador and Denmark, as well as saying hello again to 25 of our current volunteers who have been spread out across the UK.

One of the highlights of our volunteer programs, these Camps are an opportunity for our volunteers to come together, share their experiences, learn new skills, and explore the local area. The camps are filled with exciting activities, such as cultural cooking, outdoor adventures, and team-building exercises.

During the camps, volunteers get to meet people from different countries and cultures and learn about their experiences. They also get to participate in workshops and training sessions that focus on personal and professional development, such as leadership, communication, and cultural awareness.

The On-Arrival Camp provides an opportunity for our new volunteers to interact with each other, learn and adapt to the UK culture (and climate!), providing invaluable skills for the 6 or 12 months ahead. For some, it may be the first time they have ever left their home country and so these camps are a meaningful support structure.

The Mid-Term Evaluation Camps are a crucial part of our volunteer programs as they provide a space for our volunteers to reflect on their experiences, learn from each other, and prepare for the remainder of their volunteer placements. The camps also help to foster a sense of community among our volunteers, giving them a safe space to share all the positives and negatives of their time so far.

Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities. Some are students taking a gap year and others are professionals looking for a career break, but despite their different backgrounds, all our volunteers share a common goal; to make a positive impact on communities and promote intercultural exchange.

Volunteering with ICYE-UK is a life-changing experience for many of our volunteers. It offers the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones, challenge themselves, and gain new skills. We value our volunteers’ contributions and are committed to supporting them throughout their volunteer placements and our camps are one of the many ways. We offer training, mentoring, and support services to ensure that our volunteers have the best possible experience. We also encourage our volunteers to take an active role in shaping their volunteer placements and creating meaningful impact in their communities. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact ICYE in your country, you can visit www.icye.org to find yours. Join us today and get involved in something life-changing!