Meet Philip

Hi, My name is Philip, I am 20 years old an I’m from Germany. I am working with seven other volunteers at a project called Treloar Trust in Alton (England), which is a school for people with disabilities. I chose to spend my year abroad with ICYE because they made a very good first impression. I felt I was in good hands and they made me feel very welcome in the UK.

In our project, we are helping students in their day to day life and preparing them for live outside of the school. We are also doing several activities during the year which also include activities oiutside of the school. It’s a really good project, where you learn a lot about people and how you should interact with them. It is also really nice to experience the English culture and visit new and nice places. Its great to see, how the student develop over a certain time and how they get better at doing stuff.

I was very surprised, about how many nationalities get together here even outside of London. The food in the UK isn’t even as bad as some people say 🙂 and the Landscapes here are just stunning.

Volunteering is just a perfect opportunity to try new stuff. It may be overwhelming at first but the results and the achievements are just great.